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Pastors Post 3/29/2020

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00:00 / 04:45
Annotation 2020-02-26 131646.jpg




Pastor.s Desk


The Lord is Our Shepherd





Ps 23: 1-4












Greetings everyone and may the peace of God rest upon you during this Coronavirus season. I pray all is well and you make keeping safe your priority.


Our message to you comes from the 23 Psalm which says:

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.  David the writer knows about being a shepherd. He knows what a shepherd does and why he does it.  And because he knows; he says I shall not want. He said this because he was a shepherd and he knew the purpose of a shepherd.  The shepherd provides for the sheep. The shepherd knows the sheep need to be protected. The sheep need to be beside still waters. So, the shepherd goes before and provides those things. He's always looking out for the enemy and is prepared to fight for them.  In doing so the sheep feel safe and secure in His care. 


Verse 4 says:  Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death; I will fear no evil; because thou art with me.  What an amazing feeling to know no matter where you are . . . no matter what you're going through . . . no matter the test . . Thou art with me. The shepherd is with me. And when God is with me, no weapon that's formed against me will and shall prosper. It will do me no harm. 

We have a great shepherd and because of that; Whom or what shall we fear. The Lord is the strength of my life of whom shall we be afraid. 

To the people of God, "Be still and know that God is there". Rest in His word, and lean not to your own understanding. We must in all things acknowledge Him and He will direct our steps.  God is still there and He'll be there with us to show us what to do. 


This coronavirus is not our shepherd and even though it's here . . . God is here. Even though it's worldwide. God is worldwide. Even though it can kill many...  God is here and has the power to stop it and heal many, and to save many from their sins worldwide.

We have a worldwide Savior who can do anything but fail. Let’s put and keep all our trust in Him. 


Be Blessed in Jesus name, 

Pastor Leon

Gospel Music workshop  Gospel Music Workshop of America, Inc. (

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